How does a commodity seller tap the premium end of the market?
How does a commodity seller tap the premium end of the market?
La Opala's recent spate of corporate ads is a buildup to the public issue being launched next month.
Jhunjhunwalla foresees a market for affordable crystal ware.
Sushil 'La Opala' Jhunjhunwala has introduced India's first range of hand-crafted lead crystal.
Starting with an ordinary glass manufacturing unit, the Jhunjhunwalas of Calcutta, have made their La Opala and Solitaire brands a name to reckon with in India as well as abroad.
The Opal Perspective
Opal and lead crystal tableware expertise.
Kolkata-based La Opala is well-placed to capitalise on the rising consumer preference for premium crockery.
Wedded to glass for decades now, Sushil Jhunjhunwala and his brand La Opala have emerged as a popular name in the tableware industry in India.
Faith in consumerism is key to success
La Opala has done well to dominate a market once considered a domain of only foreign brands.
La Opala is India's only opal glassware maker and ready to take on global competition.